The 10 main Provence amphibians

What is an amphibian?

Physical characteristics

  • An amphibian is a naked-skinned tetrapod vertebrate.
  • Amphibians live in a wide variety of habitats, but most prefer terrestrial, freshwater or arboreal ecosystems.
  • Amphibians appeared on Earth 360 millions years ago.
  • An amphibian is poikilothermic: its body temperature fluctuates in relation to that of its environment.
  • Amphibians have moist glandular skin. Some of them have spots, wrinkles, warts and / or skin folds.
  • Amphibians breathe using their lungs, but also (mainly) through their skin.
  • Amphibian eyes are quite characteristic and a great help when identifying them (patterns, iris colour, or pupil orientation).
  • Amphibian eggs have no protective shell and grow in the water.
  • Amphibian larva(e) or tadpoles undergo several metamorphoses before reaching their final adult state.
  • In France (mainland), we have two main orders of amphibians:
  • Domain: biota
  • Kingdom: animalia
  • Phylum: chordata
  • Class: amphibia
GenusSpeciesEN common name
AlytesAlytes obstetricansCommon midwife toad
BufoBufo spinosusSpiny toad
EpidaleaEpidalea calamitaNatterjack toad
HylaHyla meridionalisMediterranean tree frog
PelobatesPelobates cultripesWestern spadefoot
PelodytesPelodytes punctatusParsley frog
PelophylaxPelophylax ridibundusMarsh frog
SalamandraSalamandra salamandraFire salamander
TriturusTriturus cristatusGreat crested newt
LissotritonLissotriton helveticusPalmate newt
10 main Provence amphibians


  • Anurans (frogs and toads) are part of the ANURA order.
  • ANURA stems from two Greek words put together: “a” (= absence of something) and “oura” (= animal tail).
  • Anurans have no tails.
  • Anurans sing during breeding season.
  • Fertilisation is external in anurans. Their reproduction is oviparous.
  • Frogs typically jump to get around, as toads walk instead.

Here are 7 anurans you’d typically find in Provence:

Common midwife toad
spiny toad snout and eyes
Spiny toad
natterjack toad illustration
Natterjack toad
mediterranean tree frog head
Mediterranean tree frog
marsh frog illustration
Marsh frog
western spadefoot foot thumbnail
Western spadefoot
parsley frog illustration thumbnail
Parsley frog


  • Urodeles (salamanders and newts) are part of the URODELA order.
  • URODELA stems from two Greek words put together: “oura” (= animal tail) and “delos” (=visible).
  • Urodeles have a tail.
  • Urodeles parade during breeding season.
  • Unlike salamanders, newts have a flat tail.
  • Newts are carnivorous.

Here are 3 urodeles you’d typically find in Provence:

fire salamander illustration
Fire salamander
great crested newt illustration thumbnail
Great crested newt
palmate newt illustration thumbnail
Palmate newt
- "Guide des amphibiens d'Europe" d'A. & C. NÖLLERT / Publisher: Delachaux & Niestlé (book in French)
- LPO (wildlife protection league) training (April 2024)
Many thanks to Robin LHUILLIER, regional naturalist training manager at the LPO of Provence (wildlife protection league), for the quality of his training on the amphibians of Provence.
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